Netanyahu’s vision for Israel disastrous



English: Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli politician

Benjamin Netanyahu (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Netanyahu‘s success in Israel and the Diaspora, with Jews of all religious background and all levels of income and education, is a testament to how well he has managed to connect with their disparate values and life experiences.

He has worked all these different populations assiduously, overcoming his own patrician tendencies.

And he has remained remarkably consistent throughout, sticking to his core conservative positions on the economy and Israel’s place in the Middle East.

Having said all this, let me make it clear that the above is not an endorsement. I think Netanyahu’s vision for Israel is disastrous for the country in the long run. But Netanyahu’s ability to win over the Israeli people, including many who don’t agree with much of his platform, demonstrates that in the intellectual and ideological wilderness of today’s Israeli politics, he is the only man with a plan.

via Netanyahu is the only man with a plan – Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper.